Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) is a not-for-profit human development organization which is registered as a Private Voluntary Organization PVO Number 17/22. ZHI is currently implementing the Re-Ignite Innovate Sustain and Empower (RISE) program which is a five-year (October 2021 – September 2026) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded program. The RISE Program is one of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) funded programs through USAID that aims to disrupt the main drivers of HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Zimbabwe using a proven approach called Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe women (DREAMS). ZHI is planning to design and deliver a leadership and management training program targeting RISE Program staff at supervisory, middle, and senior management level. The proposed training is aimed at cultivating the right leadership competencies including balanced analytical and interpersonal skills, creative problem solving, conflict management, planning and coordination, judgement and decision making, stakeholder management, emotional intelligence, and savvy negotiation skills required to lead a program of such magnitude to achieve the expected deliverables within the stipulated time-fame.
Purpose and Scope of Delivery
The overall goal of this consultancy is to strengthen staff capacity on leadership skills and ensure the program staff have the requisite leadership skills to effectively manage the program. Specifically, the ZHI-led DREAMS-RISE program seeks the services of a qualified consultant to enhance the existing organizational strengths through training of senior and mid-level managers/coordination team on leadership and management. The overall objective of the training is to enable the program to support organizational growth, and development of staff so that they can perform their leadership, management, supervisory, coordination and stakeholder management functions more effectively and efficiently. The training will be critical for the team in discharging their supervisory roles under new normal-remote working arrangements, including hybrid working arrangements.
Submission deadlines
The submission of a proposal and the attendant documents for the proposed assignment must be done through the, clearly stated on the subject line: “Consultancy: Leadership Skills Training”. The deadline for submission of proposals is on or before 23:59pm on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.