Zimbabwe Health Intervention’s DREAMS-RISE program is targeting Adolescent Girls and Young Women aged 10-24 years with education support interventions targeting those who are at risk of dropping out of school, and those who may have dropped out of school and support with their re-enrolment into formal and non-formal education across the nine districts of implementation found in Matabeleland south, Bulawayo, Midlands and Mash-central. The program aims to keep girls in school ultimately reducing their risk to HIV infection. The education support component of the program provides AGYWs with stationery packages, payment of their school and examination fees. For effectiveness and sustainability, the program works in tandem with school and community structures. The program is transforming the lives of 14946 AGYWS and has helped keep them in school through educational support.
DREAM RISE program, funded by USAID is implementing education support interventions targeting AGYW aged 10-24 years who are at risk of dropping out of school and those who may have dropped out of school and support with their re-enrolment into the formal and non-formal education across the nine districts of implementation namely Mangwe, Bulilima, Gwanda, Insiza, Matobo, Bulawayo, Beitbridge, Gweru and Mazowe. The program aims to keep girls in school ultimately reducing their risk to HIV infection. Education subsidies are an effective intervention for keeping girls in school and are correlated with:
Evidence has shown that More highly educated girls and young women are more likely to be able to negotiate safer sex and reduce HIV, hence the education support component in the DREAM -RISE program.
The education subsidies support adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) who meet the DREAMS-RISE eligibility criteria. AGYW’s are screened and enrolled using DREAMS program F1 form (screening form) and F2 form (enrolment form). Form 1 screening tool determines their level of vulnerability. It assesses family and living situations of AGYWs, their economic standing and sources of financial support. It also assesses their like hood to dropping out of school, through attendance tracking. Those who failed to attend school for at least 80% of the school days are then given necessary support. Safety, health and sexual behavior for age group also helps in assessing eligibility to education support. The AG, who are line listed will be those who are at risk of dropping out of school or /and those who dropped out of school as guided by the enrolment form 2. AGYW enrolled for education support are captured under educational support in DHIS 2 system.
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