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DSD Models

DSD Models

Differentiated service delivery (DSD) for HIV is a person- centered approach that simplifies and adapts HIV services across the cascade to reflect the preferences and expectations of various groups of people living with and vulnerable to HIV while reducing unnecessary burdens on the health system.

By providing DSD, the health system can refocus resources on those most in need.

DSD for HIV has already supported the progression towards the 95-95-95 targets while improving the quality of services for recipients of care (RoCs) and responding to the increasing workload faced by healthcare workers.

DSD models can be described using:

  1. The three elements
    • Clinical characteristics
    • Specific population
    • Context
  2. The four building blocks
    • When (frequency and timing of clinical and refill visits)
    • Where (location of services, facility or out of facility)
    • Who (cadre of healthcare worker providing the service)

What (the package of services provided


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