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Pediatric HIV
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Pediatric HIV

Paediatric HIV remains a significant health challenge in Zimbabwe, as in many other countries. However, there have been various health interventions and support programs implemented by Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) to address this issue and support the national HIV program. ZHI is providing technical assistance for the implementation of the following program to combat paediatric HIV i.e.

  • Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Programs that aim to prevent the transmission of HIV from infected mothers to their infants during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
  • Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) in infants is crucial for timely initiation of treatment and better health outcomes. These programs utilize HIV testing technologies suitable for infants and ensure that HIV-positive infants are linked to appropriate treatment and care services. ZHI is supporting the scale of birth testing using point of care devices.
  • ZHI ensures that children living with HIV are provided with ART regimens suitable for their age and weight and strengthen the capacity of healthcare facilities to provide comprehensive paediatric HIV care.
  • ZHI supports the capacity building and training programs for healthcare providers on paediatric HIV diagnosis, treatment, and care, including adherence support, nutritional counselling, and psychosocial support for children and their families.

These interventions, along with ongoing monitoring and evaluation, have contributed to improvements in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of paediatric HIV in Zimbabwe. 

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