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What We Do – ZHI Website

About Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI)


Who We Are

Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) is a non-profit human development organization, registered as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) in Zimbabwe.  ZHI provides solutions to the human development challenges in Zimbabwe and to complement the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ)’s efforts towards the attainment of national health priorities and sustainable development goals (SDGs). ZHI ensures optimal health, well-being and self-sufficiency of the populations it serves through working with and strengthen existing institutions to develop and deliver innovative and sustainable high-impact, integrated health interventions.

About ZHI
Our Vision

 To see the population we serve live with optimum health, well being and self sufficiency.

Our Mission

To develop and deliver innovative and sustainable high-impact, integrated health interventions to the communities we serve, while working with and strengthening existing institutions.

Our Core Values


Recognising the human and social capital in the communities we work in.


Across disciplines and geographies, within the organization and with our partners.


For our work with measuring and reporting at all levels.


To meet the evolving needs of our beneficiaries and partners.


Mutual respect for diversity in all aspects.
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